“Don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something and ask questions! There are so many people that will help you if you just ask."

— Katie Harris

The Interview Q&A

How long have you been working in the film industry? Where did you get your start?

“1 year, I got my start when I interned at Oxenfree Film and Motion. I was able to continue interning for them from home when the pandemic hit, and after I graduated I started freelancing for them.”

Who is your biggest inspiration? What have they taught you?

“My brother, Brandon, and my sister-in-law, Ashley. They have taught me to go after what you want and to do it with confidence.”

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

“I draw a lot of inspiration from music, particularly songs with strong emotional pulls.”

What are some of the biggest things you’ve accomplished in your career so far?

“One of the films I participated in both as a production assistant, and an assistant editor, has won the Gold Film, Video, & Sound ADDY and the Best of Film, Video, & Sound ADDY, and is moving on to the national awards.”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? (No dream is too big!)

“Editing a Netflix original movie!”

If you had one piece of advice for a woman who wants to get started in the film industry what it would be?

“Don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something and ask questions! There are so many people that will help you if you just ask.”


Karen Benmeleh - Casting Director (Orlando, FL)


Kristi League - Editor (Orlando, FL)